Friday, February 27, 2015


わたしは まいにち しちじはんに おきます。そして、しんしつ (dorm) で あさごはんを たべます。げつようびとすいようびときんようびに びせきぶん (calculus) のじゅぎょうが あります。そして、かがくとせいぶつがくのじゅぎょうが あります。ひるごはんは ABPのパンです。じゅうにじごじゅっぷんに にほんごのじゅぎょうが あります。げつようびに せいぶつがくのしけん (lab) が あります。すいようびときんようびのひる しけんが ありません。しゅうまつのばん わたしはととまだち (friends) は ちゅうごくのごはんを たべます。

Saturday, February 21, 2015


Most of the Katakana words I found are used to describe food, which I think are pretty interesting and useful. Most of the words are borrowed from English.

コーラ                                 Cola

パン                Bread

ケーキ              Cake

カレー(ライス)    Curry (with rice)

チーズ              Cheese

リンゴ              Apple

イチゴ                                 Strawberry

チョコレート                   Chocolate

アイスクリーム              Icecream

パスタ                                 Pasta

ピザ                                     Pizza

サンドイッチ                   Sandwich

ハンバーガー                   Hamburger

スープ                                 Soup

サラダ                                 Salad

ヨーグルト                       Yogurt

プリン                                 Pudding

レストラン                       Restaurant

チャーハン                       Fired rice
Okay, I should stop here because it’s 10:30 p.m. and I’m starving.

I've found an interesting katakana guide. Hope it helps.

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Japanese Tea Ceremony


As a tea person, I’ve always been interested in things related to tea. I would really like to know more about the sophisticated and rigid Japanese tea ceremony. I’m surprised by how many different tea ceremony schools there are and how many tools are involved in this process. According to the Wikipedia, there are two matcha for tea ceremony: thick and thin.  If possible, I would like to learn how to perform the tea ceremony, or at least try it once.
The following two pictures are tea equipment: chatin (small rectangular white linen or hemp cloth mainly used to wipe the tea bowl), tea bowl, tea caddy, tea scoop, and tea whisk.


                                              This is the view from a tea house in Kyoto.
And this is a traditional tea room.



